Online Girl Guide

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Welcome to Online Girl Guide!


Welcome! As mentioned in the main page, this is a website made to help you go through one of the toughest moments of life: adolescence. It's really nice to have someone to talk to about the feelings and changes that occur in your body as you begin to become a teen, but sadly, not everyone has someone they feel comfortable enough to talk about those topics with. That was my case, and why I decided to make this site.

It is important to know in depth the changes you are going through and to know the causes that originate them in order to accept them as part of your development. Knowing what is happening to you and what you should expect to happen to you makes things much easier. Some girls unfortunately tend to learn most of information off questionable internet sources, which may lead to misinformation and wrong beliefs about our own bodies.

Having clear information will help you better understand the changes you are going through and give you a starting point to ask questions.
Click ''All Posts'' to view all the topics!

Meet Tiphie!


Tiphie is the website's mascot. You'll find her in most of the posts in here, as well as other characters. Helping others is what she likes most.
Her hobbies include spending all day in the computer, and, uh... that's pretty much it. Lol, just kidding. There's not much to say about Tiphie for now.

Credits: The idea of the website was inspired by a (now defunct) spanish website called Nosotras Online (visit it here) which had similar content.

Sadly, as mentioned, it doesn't exist anymore, and I haven't been able to find one like it so I thought it was a good idea to make one, with my own twist!

Hope y'all like it, and I also hope it's useful for you!

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